How many words will be displayed? How many are in Bangla and English?

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There will be 80 words displayed. All of these words will be English.

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How many words should I write?

Try to write all the words. 

Is there space for a sentence?

Yes, there will be a break on each word for making sentence.

Is it important to maintain word order (serial)?

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You should maintain the word order serially. It helps ISSB to judge your WAT test. If you miss any sentence try to write the “word” at least on the space or keep it blank.

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 Are there consequences if I make a mistake in WAT order (serial)?

No problem, you should confess your fault during the DP Viva. 

Can I seek help from others?

In ISSB you’re your own competitor. No one will help you and you won’t be able to help anyone during the Written phase. As well as all of the candidates will be monitored by Close Circuit Camera. The Conducting Officer, Staffs will keep a close watch on all of the candidates.

Should the sentences be entirely positive?

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Yeah, you should write positive sentences. But it should be natural so practice to improve your positive thinking capacity not by forcing your brain, calm down and improve it. Remember Improvement is a continuous process that won't be possible within a few days. It will take time but gradually you will see a huge change in you.

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What type of sentence should I avoid?

Interrogative, Imperative, Optative and Exclamatory sentences should be avoided. Be assertive

Should I write long or short sentences?

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Try to write short sentences within 7 seconds. So Practice more and more.

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What is the secret to writing a good sentence?

Enhance positive thinking. Practice more and more so that you gain the expertise to complete within time.